Free & Unlimited
  • Get unlimited load posting and winning for FREE.
  • After 90-days only pay $1 for every load you post or win and $1 to track the load in real time

Carriers can keep trucks full and moving

Set location based notifications to be alerted when a new load is posted nearby. Carriers can bid on loads, send real time shipment tracking information to shippers, and rate and review shippers.


    Search and bid on public loads and build a trusted network in just a few minutes


    Provide tracking for loads that you are delivering through our mobile app


    Get real-time notifications when loads are posted close to your last updated location.


    Rate and review shippers & brokers.

Brokers & Shippers can find dependable and affordable ways to ship loads.

Brokers and Shippers can post loads, receive competitive quotes, track shipments, and rate and review carriers.


    Brokers and Shippers can build a trusted network of carriers and owner operators.


    Chat with Carriers & Owner operators in real time to finalize load details


    Add GPS tracking to any load so you can track loads in real time as they travel to their destination


    Rate and review carriers

Track Any Load, Any Time, Anywhere

Brokers & Shippers can add tracking to any load, Track unlimited loads for your first 90-days and $1 per load after.


    Post a load, and say yes to the tracking prompt once you accept the winning bid.


    The Carrier you select will receive a link to download the app to install on their driver's mobile device.


    You will be able to track all loads in real-time in your SHIPMYNT dashboard.


    Receive messages from the driver or dispatch to get updated on your loads' progress.


Discover the Power of Shipmynt Free for 90 Days

Join today and get a 90-day free and unlimited trial of all of SHIPMYNT's powerful features

Earn Rewards when you bring others to SHIPMYNT

SHIPMYNT is a revolutionary service, meaning it's an exciting time to join.
Earn commissions on every user you introduce to SHIPMYNT.


Questions? Concerns? Want something customized for your company? Send us a note!