Welcome to SHIPMYNT! We are the logistics social network that works for you. Our goal is to create a better online load board community by connecting shippers and carriers on an easy-to-use platform that has all the valuable features of a social network.
Shippers: Find Dependable and Affordable Ways to Ship Loads
Shippers can post loads and get connected with carriers who have extra space in their trucks. Instant messaging within the load board makes it easy to chat with potential carriers and work out all the details for their shipment. After selecting the most desirable quote, shippers can opt in for tracking and relax as they follow their load from pick up to drop off.
Carriers: Keep Trucks Moving and Full
Carriers can find loads along their route to make sure they’re always traveling with a full truck. Helpful notifications ensure they never miss out on an opportunity to place a quote on a load near them.
After every successful shipment, both carriers and shippers can review and be reviewed. This review accountability helps carriers and shippers find the most trusted partners on the platform.
An Invitation to Better Logistics
Come and join our community with an all-inclusive 90-day FREE trial! We promise you’ll be surprised with how quickly you can post or bid on your first load.
Start Connecting on SHIPMYNT Today!
Happy shipping!